Who am I?

I'm Hyuna (hyuh-nah), a PhD student studying memory, self-regulation, and decision-making at the University of Toronto. 

My research combines insights from computational models of decision-making and neuroimaging methods such as EEG to examine how we change what we prioritize in memory recall and attention based on our goals.

I'm passionate about leveraging powerful data analysis tools and developing effective, research-driven communication strategies.

Outside of work, you can find me illustrating, swing dancing, and playing TTRPGs.


PhD Student 

(Sep 2021 - Current)

- Designed hierarchical computational models of altruistic choice using Python, finding that those who behave selfishly tend to think about self-related information first.

- Currently designing experimental studies and collecting data on how inhibitory intervention training of thoughts and behaviour can change how much we like and crave junk foods to encourage healthier food choices during mindless eating.

- Lead a team of 3 research assistants to code experimental designs in Javascript, Python, Qualtrics, and analyze results using ANOVAs, logistic regressions, multiple regressions, and hierarchical regressions in R and Python, acquiring over $20,000 in research grants across the research team.

Graduate Mentorship Manager

(Sep 2020 - Current)

- Mentored a team of 6 BIPOC high school students in designing and understanding psychology research studies, one of whom received a Major Undergrad Entrance Award at McGill University.

- Launched a successful weekly event series to foster greater inter-student connection-building, which regularly has over 20% turnout across the student body, and received over $3000 in funding.

- Hosted over 12 events across 2 years for promoting cutting edge and local student research, peer support for grant writing, as well as statistics and coding workshops.

Lab Project Manager

(May 2019 - July 2020)

- Managed a team of over 20 undergraduates and 8 graduate students across 2 research labs, working under 2 supervisors.

- Ensured timely execution of projects by frequent communication about recruitment events and check-ins with project leads.

- Trained all new recruits in experimental data collection, effective communication with clients and project leads, data input in Salesforce, and data analysis in R and python.


